Start a business with little or no cash

You have the idea – just not the money to get started. Here’s what to do.

They say money makes money – but there are some ways you can get around this when you’re looking to start a business with little or no money.

Here are five things to consider:

1. Borrow from family: Chances are there is someone in your family who has the means to lend you the money you need. It could be a parent, a sibling or another relative. The perks in this scenario are that you can usually negotiate when you pay them back – plus you won’t likely be charged interest. Just be careful that you do pay the cash back because you don’t want to ruin a relationship.

2. Save, save, save: Don’t have enough money yet to get started? Be patient! Putting away a little money every month or week is the best way to start a business – that way you don’t owe anyone. And all the money you make you can keep or use it to grow your business.

3. De-clutter to make money: Got clothes that you’re not wearing anymore, books you’ve read but can live without? Host a little sale and sell to friends and neighbours. If you don’t have stuff to sell, ask your mom, dad or a local business owner if you can clean up their cluttered storage space – like a storeroom or pantry. If you find anything that’s still usable and that they no longer want or need, ask if you can sell it. Hello easy cash!

4. Get it for free: Is there a rent-free space you could borrow from a family member or friend? Ask your siblings to help you with things, and in return you do their chores. If you don’t have supplies or equipment, think of something you could barter. A basket of wild spinach you picked could equal an hour using a neighbour’s sewing machine. Don’t be afraid to ask – all they can say is no.

5. Use word of mouth: Your friends and family are a great, free way to spread the word about your products or service. Ask your friends to post about your business on social media. Give family members small samples of your product or a free service, tell them to share and to tell all their friends and family.

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