Are you ready to date?

The heart wants what the heart wants

As you grow up, you might start developing crushes on people. That’s normal. Or, you might not have those feelings: that’s normal too! But what if you just can’t stop thinking about that person? What now? Before you start sharing your life with someone else, ask yourself if you are:

Dating means you are sharing large parts of yourself, like your time and emotions, with another person. It takes getting used to, and you have to make sure that it doesn’t cut into your school work, family, or friend time. It’s awesome to share your time with someone, but remember to not lose yourself.

If you’re seeing someone just for the sake of being able to say that you’re dating, it won’t be fun and feelings could get hurt. It’s cool to stay single. With or without a bae, remember that you are already cool and amazing.

Have faith in and trust yourself even when you know things are going to be hard. Because you are sharing your life with someone else, sometimes you have to make compromises. Some compromises are fine, like hanging out with his friends this weekend instead of yours. Some are not. If you don’t feel comfortable, know that you don’t have to agree to everything.

As amazing as the two of you might be, there is a chance that your relationship might not last. But don’t worry, you’re young and this is the time when you should be discovering who you are. Even though breaking up can be painful, remember that you still have an amazing circle of friends and family who will be there for you.

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